JURNAL ONLINE KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA http://601341.annawisefintch.tech/index.php/Keperawatan <p>Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia bertujuan untuk memudahkan interaksi, diskusi, dan selanjutnya memajukan gagasan dibidang keilmuan keperawatan khususnya mengenai kesehatan di bidang pendidikan dan non pendidikan pada tingkat nasional maupun tingkat Internasional. Jurnal Online Keperawatan Indonesia terbit 2 kali dalam satu tahun. Manuskrip dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan peraturan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar. Menulis manuskrip dalam bahasa Inggris umumnya berupa bentuk lampau. <strong>ISSN: 2621-2161 (media online).</strong></p> UNIVERSITAS SARI MUTIARA INDONESIA en-US JURNAL ONLINE KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA 2621-2161 PERILAKU PICKY EATER DENGAN STATUS GIZI ANAK USIA PRASEKOLAH http://601341.annawisefintch.tech/index.php/Keperawatan/article/view/5213 <p><em>Picky eater is a condition that refers to behavior that only wants to consume certain foods and does not want to try new foods. Nutritional status is a condition that arises from the body's need for calories and other nutrients, obtained from food intake. The aim of this study is to find out how the behavior of a picky eater relates to the nutritional status of preschool children in the Free Methodist Kindergarten. This type of research is correlation analysis with the Croos Sectional approach. The population in this study was mothers and children, the sample in the study was 68 people using total sampling techniques. The tool used is the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) questionnaire and nutritional status data from &nbsp;z-score with BB/TB measurement. The majority of children with picky-eater behavior were 79.4 per cent, nutritional status (n=68) and normal nutrition status was 64.7 per cent. Children with picky-eaters were mostly normal, while children who did not have picky eating behaviors were under-nutritional and poor nutritional. It was concluded that it showed that there was a relationship between picky-eater behavior and preschool child nutritional status in the Free Methodist Kindergarten (p value = 0,005). The advice in this study is expected to help the mother in paying attention to nutritional needs and improving the child's diet so that the child grows optimally.</em></p> Marthalena Simamora Rosetty Sipayung Normi Parida Sipayung Bernadet Sarni Copyright (c) 2024 Marthalena Simamora, Rosetty Sipayung, Normi Parida Sipayung, Bernadet Sarni Telaumbanua https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 1 1 6 10.51544/keperawatan.v7i1.5213 INOVASI BAKSO PENTOL DAUN KELOR (MORINGA OLEIFERA) TERHADAP SELERA MAKAN PADA ANAK SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGANAN STUNTING http://601341.annawisefintch.tech/index.php/Keperawatan/article/view/5314 <p><em>The acceleration program for improving nutrition in Indonesia is an effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). Moringa oleifera Lam (known as Kelor) is a plant that has extraordinary nutritional and therapeutic properties. Globally considered a food that has the potential to eradicate malnutrition and contributes significantly to preventive health care. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving meatballs made from moringa leaves on increasing body weight and appetite in children in Cinta Rakyat Village. The research method was a quasi-experimental study with a Completely Randomized (CRD) using a One group pre-test and post-test design with a control group. Research Results The provision of moringa leaf intervention appeared to have an effect on the appetite and weight gain of toddlers after being given additional meatballs made from moringa leaves on the daily menu for 90 days.</em></p> Lenny Lusia Simatupang Masta Melati Hutahaean Copyright (c) 2024 Lenny Lusia Simatupang, Masta Melati Hutahaean https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 1 7 11 10.51544/keperawatan.v7i1.5314 REBUSAN LIDAH BUAYA TERHADAP KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE II http://601341.annawisefintch.tech/index.php/Keperawatan/article/view/5322 <p><em>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition characterized by a chronic increase in blood glucose concentration accompanied by various metabolic abnormalities due to hormonal disorders, which causes various chronic complications. Diabetes mellitus is caused by the pancreas failing to produce insulin or insulin resistance occurs. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), DM is a serious threat to human health in the 21st century. The number of DM sufferers reached 422 million people in the world in 2018. Most of these sufferers are in developing countries. This type of research uses a pre-experiment using a one group pretest-posttest design. This study only used one intervention group and there was no comparison (control) group. This research was used to see the effect of giving boiled aloe vera water on blood sugar levels before and after the intervention. The population of this study was all 76 Type II Diabetes Mellitus sufferers who came for treatment at the Pratama Ridho Clinic from January 2024 to July 2024. The sample for this research consisted of 43 respondents. The research method used was the wilcoxon test with a p value (0.05). The research results showed that there was an effect after giving aloe vera decoction at the Pratama Ridho Clinic in 2024 with a value of 0.016.</em></p> Henny Syapitri Agnes Silvina Marbun Laura Mariati Siregar Lasma Rina Efrina Sinurat Rani Mukherzi Berampu Copyright (c) 2024 Henny Syapitri, Agnes Silvina Marbun, Laura Mariati Siregar, Lasma Rina Efrina Sinurat, Rani Mukherzi Berampu https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 1 12 16 10.51544/keperawatan.v7i1.5322 HUBUNGAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN KEMANDIRIAN PERAWATAN DIRI PASIEN SKIZOFRENIA DI RS JIWA PROF. DR. MUHAMMAD ILDREM MEDAN TAHUN 2023 http://601341.annawisefintch.tech/index.php/Keperawatan/article/view/5450 <p>Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that causes patients to lose self-control, particularly in terms of self-care, such as personal hygiene, toileting, dressing, and eating-drinking. Family support is an important factor that can influence the independence of schizophrenic patients in carrying out self-care. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between family support and self-care independence of schizophrenic patients at Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ildrem Mental Hospital Medan. This study used a correlational design with a cross-sectional approach, involving 98 families of schizophrenic patients undergoing outpatient care. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a Likert scale to measure family support and patient independence levels. The analysis results showed that although family support was in the good category, there was no significant relationship between family support and self-care independence of schizophrenic patients (P Value = 0.785). These results indicate that patient independence is more influenced by treatment duration than family support.</p> Lely Yusniar Zebua Lindawati F. Tampubolon Imelda Derang Copyright (c) 2024 Lely Yusniar Zebua, Lindawati F. Tampubolon, Imelda Derang https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 7 1 16 22 10.51544/keperawatan.v7i1.5450